
The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

Monday 31 December 2012


Education is the gateway to a better life by fighting for the smallest things to the biggest things that would normally be passed by every human being. Education is a preparation for the pursuit of all that is targeted by someone in their life that without education, it is all dream logic would be very difficult to be realized.
In fact, it is not everyone who educated successfully in the course of his life, but if done comparing the educated people still so much more that can be tasted success than those who have never tasted education, both formal and non-formal education. Education is a tool to develop themselves, mental, mindset and also the quality of a person.
If the person who is equipped science just proved there is still a lot or even a failure, then what about those who are not at all equipped science? Logically they surely would have more difficulty in developing the things that interested him in order to get a better level of life. The process requires a theory of life, and education is the theory can be obtained.
Do not believe a group of people whose opinions are not responsible. Whatever the reason everyone still needs education. Although education does not guarantee a person's success, but the quality of education will equip you better yourself so that you're more likely to get what you aspire. Education is an important tool for the realization of all your dreams.

Melawan Diri Sendiri

Kemenangan sejati bukanlah kemenangan atas orang lain. Namun, kemenangan atas diri sendiri. Berpacu di jalur keberhasilan diri adalah pertandingan untuk mengalahkan rasa ketakutan, keengganan, keangkuhan, dan semua beban yang menambat diri di tempat start.
Jerih payah untuk mengalahkan orang lain sama sekali tak berguna. Motivasi tak semestinya lahir dari rasa iri, dengki atau dendam. Keberhasilan sejati memberikan kebahagiaan yang sejati, yang tak mungkin diraih lewat niat yang ternoda.
Pelari yang berlari untuk mengalahkan pelari yang lain, akan tertinggal karena sibuk mengintip laju lawan-lawannya. Pelari yang berlari untuk memecahkan recordnya sendiri tak peduli apakah pelari lain akan menyusulnya atau tidak. Tak peduli dimana dan siapa lawan-lawannya. Ia mencurahkan seluruh perhatian demi perbaikan catatannya sendiri.
Ia bertading dengan dirinya sendiri, bukan melawan orang lain. Karenanya, ia tak perlu bermain curang. Keinginan untuk mengalahkan orang lain adalah awal dari kekalahan diri sendiri.

sekedar catatan

entahlah, ini hanya sekedar catatan biasa...
tanpa maksud apa-apa...

aku slalu percaya, Allah itu Maha Adil..
juga Maha Penolong...
apapun masalah yang kita hadapi,
Allah pasti bakal bantu kita kok...
mungkin caranya emang nggak bisa kita duga
mungkin caranya emang nggak bisa kita kira
tapi, aku slalu percaya,
Allah ngga akan pernah meninggalkan hambaNya

aku tau, hidup itu pasti memilih
dan setiap pilihan itu pasti ada resikonya
dan saat kita telah memilih suatu keputusan
berarti kita juga udah memilih suatu resiko
kalo kita yakin sama pilihan kita,
kita juga harus yakin bisa ngehadapin resikonya

Allah itu Maha Penolong kok,
Allah itu Maha Pemberi jalan
Allah bakal menurunkan bantuannya buat kita
asal kita percaya..

pasti ada jalan, jika kita mau berusaha
termasuk dalam memperjuangkan mimpi2 kita
harapan2 dan cita2 kita
apalagi jika itu adalah kebaikan
Allah pasti bantu, aku percaya itu
dan aku mau, kamu juga percaya itu...

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Frank Lampard Pemain Bola Dengan IQ Superior

siapa yang tidak kenal dengan frank lampard, pemain bola dari klub chelsea ini ternyata memiliki kecerdasan iq tinggi/ superior diatas 150. Pengujian dilakukan oleh brian inggris, dokter klub chelsea, sebagai bagian penelitian tentang bagaimana cedera kepala dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan saraf pemain '.

"john terry berada di tiga besar, tapi frank lampard mencetak satu dari himpunan nilai tertinggi yang pernah dicatat oleh perusahaan melakukan tes, dan lebih tinggi dari saya," kata  koran dari inggris.

Dia menolak untuk dirilis skor tepat pemain tengah inggris, tapi koran itu mengutip sumber-sumber yang mengklaim lebih dari 150 pada skala iq, menempatkan dia di urutan paling cerdas 0,1 persen dari populasi.

Lampard dididik di brentwood di biayai essex di mana ia memperoleh 12 gcse - termasuk dalam bahasa latin a - sebelum beralih ke pemain bola profesional untuk  klub west ham .

Reading: A Key to Learning

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When many people think of Language Arts they think of writing paragraphs but improving a child’s language arts skills is actually a group of inter-related skills.  There are many ways to improve a child’s reading skills in the homeschool setting but there are a few that will be emphasized here.
When you look at reading, it seems obvious that all children need to learn to read.  Reading is vital to learning. The problem is that some children read at three or four, and others can’t seem to get reading by sixth grade.  Each child learns to read in their own time, and those who are forced to read before they are ready tend to get frustrated, and lose the love of learning.  Fortunately for homeschoolers, children can learn to read in their own time because homeschooling is a very flexible method of schooling.
There are ways to make reading easier and more enjoyable.  Sometimes it is just necessary to get the child engaged in the idea of stories.  To start off, every child should be read to.  Hearing the written word helps the child form pathways in their brain that assist them in the verbal and written forms of language.
Reading to children also allows them to learn at the level that they can understand verbal language, and not just at the level that they learn that the process of reading requires so much energy and so much attention that the child works on the mechanics, but fails to grasp the content.  By removing the mechanical aspect of reading children can absorb information just by hearing it.
One other thing that can potentially improve reading skills is to let the child listen to audio books.  By concentrating on the content, and the weaving of the story, the child can experience literature that is on level with their interests, understanding, and age levels, even if they cannot yet read at that level.  This also works well for students who are auditory learners, or who have issues such as ADHD.  For ADHD students, having stories read to them and drawing, coloring, or building with blocks, etc., allows them to do two things at a time.
Consider that your middle school and even high school student is not too old to be read to, or to listen to audio books.  While they may tell you that they do not want to be read to, it provides a time when you build memories together, gain knowledge together, and confrontations are kept to a minimum.  Being able to follow a story that is presented orally will serve them well in high school and college, when they will need to be able to listen and pay attention to lectures.
For younger children, reading to them, as you point out the words also builds reading skills.  It allows them to see what words look like, and to hear what the words sound like.  As they build the pathways to connect words and sounds, they are building the memory of what the words look like, and even the meaning of the words in context.
One other thing to consider is that children mimic what they see.  If they see you making time to read, if they see you pick up books and magazines, they will make a connection that you think reading is important.  By showing that reading is important you will encourage them to read, because it will become important to them as well.
Many people believe that reading is a solitary pursuit, but regardless of the age of your child it is possible to make reading a family affair, especially in the homeschool setting because the children spend more time with the family. And in the end, reading is a key to learning.
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About the Author

Linda Warren
Linda is a writer and homeschooling parent of one middle school child.  Her daughter used interactive online reading programs, as well as a wealth of books, both physical and virtual.  Reading is part of their homeschool on a daily basis.  


MuruganandamDecember 12, 2012 Reply
Wonderfully written article which every parent and child should read....

True, in the early years children need to be read to.

Parents setting an example to make time for reading helps immensely to make READING a FAMILY HABIT.


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High Flight 
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds,-and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of-wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor ever eagle flew-
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God

This poem was found in many of the Kriegies' YMCA issued diaries.    Written by John G. Magee on September 3, 1941.  Magee was born in Shanghai, China, of missionary parents-an American father and an English mother, and spoke Chinese before English. He was educated at Rugby school in England and at Avon Old Farms School in Connecticut.  He won a Scholarship to Yale, but instead joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in late 1940, trained in Canada, and was sent to Britain. He flew in a Spitfire squadron and was killed on a routine training mission on December 11, 1941. The sonnet above was sent to his parents written on the back of a letter which said, "I am enclosing a verse I wrote the other day. It started at 30,000 feet, and was finished soon after I landed." He also wrote of his course ending soon and of his then going on operations, and added, "I think we are very lucky as we shall just be in time for the autumn blitzes (which are certain to come)."
Magee's parents lived in Washington, D.C., at the time of his death, and the sonnet came to the attention of the Librarian of Congress, Archibald MacLeish. He acclaimed Magee the first poet of the War, and included the poem in an exhibition of poems of "faith and freedom" at the Library of Congress in February 1942. The poem was then widely reprinted, and the RCAF distributed plaques with the words to all airfields and training stations.
The reprintings vary in punctuation, capitalization, and indentation from the original manuscript, which is in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. Some portions are faded and difficult to read, but the version above follows Magee's as exactly as can be made out, following his penciled note on another poem, "if anyone should want this please see that it is accurately copied, capitalized, and punctuated." Nearly all versions use "...even eagle," but careful scrutiny show that it was "ever", formed exactly like the preceding "never."
President Ronald Reagan quoted from the first and last lines in a televised address to the nation after the space shuttle Challenger exploded, January 28, 1986. 

"There's a mission today"

by S/Sgt. Edward A. Greenlaw of Tacoma, Washington - North 1 Compound
There's a mission today - you're scheduled to fly.
So you wait by the ship and look at the sky.
It's cloudy up there and the wind starts to blow.
But the mission ain't scrubbed - get in and go.
Your nerves are on edge, you cuss and you sweat,
if this damned ship flies you lose your bet.
But the ship takes off and you settle down
and cast a longing glance at that lovely ground.
The ship will fly while the engines run
so you take your post at your trusty gun
and check to see if it's working right.
If the round ain't short nor the head space tight.
You check your chute and try your phone
It doesn't work and you have a groan
You struggle and test with the blasted thing
And it's finally fixed for you hear it sing

You call the pilot and tell him you're set
And the radioman breaks in on the net.
The rest of the crew all check in turn
Except the nose, they'll never learn.
You've joined your squadron and joined your group
the vapor trails are as thick as soup.
Your breath comes short and you check your hose
and cuss like hell cause the damn thing's froze.
You clear the ice and you breathe again
It's the life for birds - but not for man.
Your face is cold and your masks too tight
so you pull it off and fix it right.

You're climbing fast as you look behind
To see if the Squadron's all in line.
Formation looks good and is staying tight
So you figure everything's going all right.

The hours pass slow till you're nearly there
Your eyes smart and burn from the ceaseless glare
Of a sun that's cold as a chunk of ice
For the temperature is far from nice.
You've never seen it so damned cold.
It tightens you up with a square hold.
Your fingers freeze to the grips of your guns.
You wonder who said that flying is fun.

But you stick it out and stay at your post
If you leave your gun the reports read "lost"
If heaven's this cold you'd choose to dwell
In the hottest furnace they've got in H*ll.

The pilot call that your getting close
Re-check your guns and oxygen hose.
You pull your helmet and flak suit tight
And pray to God that all goes right.

Navigator calls you're on the I.P.
But your eyes are froze and cannot see.
So you pull out the ice and frozen lash
And you see a fighter come in like a flash.

You grab your gun and fire a burst
The b*stard's gone down but he's raised a thirst
That burns in your throat and your mouth goes dry
As you spot another way off in the sky.

You line him up in the ring of your sight
And get all set for a d*mn good fight.
He's coming in and doesn't stop.
Till you hear the upper start to pop.

Then there's  a puff and a burst of flame
And you add that fighter to your engineer's claim.
Now your rid of two but you call in more
You cuss and pray that their aim is poor.

It makes you mad and you feel mean
But you think of home and places you've been.
It's just a thought and it passes fast
And you fire like H*ll as a Jerry dives past.

You never know if you knocked him down
No time to watch him, keep looking around.
They're swarming  now like angry bees
A "twenty" come through and you feel its breeze.
They make their attacks in a steady pass
And you're willing to bet they've got your *ss
But you track 'em in and get their range
You're enjoying yourself 'tho that sounds strange.

It's fifty below but your wringing wet
And your forehead's covered with frozen sweat.
With a final pass the Jerries drop back.
Then you know d*mn well you're heading for flak.

It's coming up now and bursting fast
And coming so close you feel its blast.
So you make yourself small and try to pray
And hope that this is your lucky day.

Your bombardier calls, you're on the run
You wait to hear that the job is done.
The "bombs away" comes over the wire
But you're watching a ship go down on fire.

The stuff is still bursting thick and black
And you cuss the guy that invented flak.
It pounds on the ship like an angry surf.
You're scared to h*ll, but you keep you're nerve.
You're skipper is wise, he's dodging the stuff
But there in the tail the riding is rough.
The ship is hit cause you feel the lurch.
Your guns swing free as you lose your perch.
You feel her lurch and start to drop
And over the 'phone comes "feather the prop!"
Smoke streams back from Number Two
But your pilot is quick and pulls her through.
Now she's under control and flying level
That skipper of yours is a cool headed devil.
You're out of the flak and the ship still flies
And you look behind at the smoky skies.

The group behind is in flak now
And catching H*ll from stern to bow.
You watch two ships go falling down
They both blow up when they hit the ground.

But you're feeling good 'cause you've got your hide
You've beat the flak, no fighters in sight.
There's still three engines running good
You're heading for home and think of food.
The pilot calls at twelve thousand feet
Pull off your mask and turn down the heat.
You strike a match and light a fag
Inhale deep that first sweet drag.
Soon you're over the field and circling round
Then into the pattern and on the ground.
Then take her up to the parking place
You've made it again with the good Lord's grace.

Clear your gun and raise up its cover
Then scramble out to look her over.
The ground crews there with a silly grin
They ask "Where in H*ll have you been?"
She's full of holes from nose to tail
But she went and came and didn't fail.
Just above where your head has been
You could drive a truck thru the vertical fin.

But it's time to brief so you grab a truck
And you realize you've had good luck.
Talk the mission over on the trip to group
Where S-2 briefs and gets your "poop".
Your job is done so down to the tent
Then head for chow like a man h*ll bent.
Those empty seats sort of spoil the meal
You've lost some pals, but it doesn't seem real.
You wait a while and watch the door
But they don't come back like they've done before.
So you try to forget it and think of tomorrow
You've paid for the flight but not the sorrow.

It's cloudy tonight and looks like rain
But the bulletin board reads "OP" again.
The target tomorrow? It's hard to say
Sweat it out again in the usual way.
This story goes on, it has no end
You lose a ship and you lose a friend.
Maybe some day you won't come back
And they'll chalk you up to 'fighters and flak'.
It's a hell of a life and you feel the strain
But you'd do the whole thing over again.
Still you pray for the day when there'll be no war
So you can see what in h*ll you've been fighting for.
You're doing your job. You're winning the fight
Doing your best to make things right.
Just hope you'll live thru it and someday see
That "lasting peace in a world that's free"

Can You Take It?

by Anonymous - this poem was found on the wall of a solitary confinement cell at Dulag Luft, the German interrogation center where all POWs shot down were taken to be questioned..
It's easy to be nice, boys
  When everything's O.K.
It's easy to be cheerful,
  When your having things your way.
But can you hold your head up
  And take it on the chin.
When your heart is breaking
  And you feel like giving in?
It was easy back in England,
  Among the friends and folks.
But now you miss the friendly hand,
  The joys, and songs, and jokes.
The road ahead is stormy.
  And unless you're strong in mind,
You'll find it isn't long before
  You're dragging far behind.
You've got to climb the hill, boys;
  It's no use turning back.
There's only one way home, boys,
  And it's off the beaten track.
Remember you're American,
  And when you reach the crest,
You'll see a valley cool and green,
  Our country at its best.
You know there is a saying
  That sunshine follows rain,
And sure enough you'll realize
  That joy will follow pain.
Let courage be your password,
  Make fortitude your guide;
And then instead of grousing,

  Just remember those who died.

You can always tell a Gunner by his greasy hands and vacant stare - and
You can always tell a Bombardier by his manners debonair - and
You can always tell a Navigator by his pencils books and such - and
You can always tell a Pilot - but you can never tell him much.
by: George Lesko                                  

They shall not grow old, As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, And in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget.

An Escort of P-38's
- by: Tech. Sgt. Robert H. Bryson (KIA on a mission to Messina)
(The line re being rejected apparently referred to his draft board.)

Oh, Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful gal and Madeleine Carroll is too;
But you'll find, if you query, a different theory amongst any bomber crew.
For the loveliest thing of which one could sing (this side of the Heavenly gates)
Is no blonde or brunette of the Hollywood set,
                                          but an escort of P-38s
Yes, in the days that have passed when the tables were masses of glasses of Scotch or champagne,
It's quite true the sight was a thing to delight us, intent on feeling no pain.
But no longer the same, nowadays in this game, when we head north from Messina Straits
Take the sparkling wine........and every time just make mine
                                         an escort of P-38s
Byron, Shelley and Keats ran a dozen dead heats describing the view from the hills
Of the valleys in May when the winds gently sway an army of bright daffodils.
Take the daffodils, Byron; the wild flowers, Shelley; yours is the myrtle, friend Keats.
Just reserve me those cuties, American beauties............
                                          an escort of P-38s
Sure we're braver than hell; on the ground all is swell. In the air it's a different story.
We sweat out our track through the fighters and flak - we're will to split up the glory.
Well, they wouldn't reject us so Heaven protect us and until this shooting abates
Give us the courage to fight 'em...and one other small item,
                                           an escort of P-38s
P-38 planes

As Flak Goes By - Author unknown
You must remember this
That flak don't always miss
And one of you may die.
The fundamental thing applies
As flak goes by---
And When the fighters come
You hope you're not the one
To tumble from the sky
The odds are always too damned high
As flak goes by---

110's and 210's knocking at your gate
Come on you jokers, come on kill that rate
And should a bomb hang, salvo don't wait
The targets passing by---

It's still the same old story
A tale that's too damned gory
Some brave men have to die
The odds are always high
As flak goes by.
You'll Never Mind - Author unknown Come on and join the Air Corps
It's a grand branch so they say
You never do no work at all
Just fly around all day---

While others work and study hard
And so grow old and blind
You take to the air without a care
And never never mind. (chorus)

You'll never mind, you'll never mind
Come on and join the Air Corps
And you will never mind---

We are a bunch of heathen
We do not give a snap
For the groundlings point of view
And all that sort of crap
We want about 10,000 ships
Of every other kind
And then of course our own Air Force
And we will never mind. (chorus)

Come on and get promoted
As high as you desire
Your riding on a gravy train
When you're an Army flier.
And just when you're about to be
A general you will find
Your ship blows up the wings fall off
But you will never mind (chorus)
A Handsome Young Airman - Author unknown Oh, a handsome young airman lay dying
Surrounded by wreckage he lay
And the mechanics who stood all around him
Swear these are the words he did say, did say.

I never should have joined the Air Corps
Mother, dear Mother knew best
For now I lay here in the wreckage
Pratt Whitney all over my chest, my chest.

From the small of my back take the crankshaft
The piston rods out of my brain
The cylinders out of my kidneys
And assemble the plane again, again

When the Board of Inquire assemble
Tell them the reason I died
Was a very flat spin that resembled
The maximum angle of glide.

Here's to the land that bore me
Here's to the land that I love,
To fight for death and glory
And to die in the sky's above.

Stand by your glasses ready
For this is a world full of vice
Drink to the dead already
And here's to the next one that dies.

I never should have joined the Air Corps
Mother, dear Mother knew best
For now I lay here in the wreckage
Pratt Whitney all over my chest, my chest.


A similar version

Fortress Blues

Why did I join the Air Corps?
    Mother, dear Mother, knew best.

Here I lie 'neath the wreckage,
    A Fortress all over my chest.

If you ever lose an engine,
    And you don't know which way to turn,
Just reach right up on the dashboard,
    Push the button marked spin, crash and burn!

The Fort is a very fine airplane
    Constructed of rivets and tin,
With a top speed of over 100,
    The ship with a headwind built in.

If you ever run into ack-ack,
    Or a Messerschmidt makes a good pass,
Just pick up your chute and start walking;
    To hell with the crew, let 'em crash.

Why did I join the Air Corps?
    Mother, dear Mother, knew best.

Here I lie 'neath the wreckage,

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Literature, unlike Mathematics and Physics, is not an exact branch of knowledge. While in Mathematics 2 multiplied by 2 equals 4, it doesn’t have to be that way in literature. This is the main reason why when it comes to the question of what literature is there is no exact definition.
Muslim scholar and philosopher Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq defined literature as ‘the garment which one puts on what they say or write so that it may appear more attractive. While Russian Formalist Roman Jakobson states that literature is an ‘organized violence committed on ordinary speech, Hornby defined literature as ‘(the writing of the study of) books, etc valued as works of art (drama, fiction, essays, poetry, biography) contrasted with technical books and journalism.
The definitions mentioned above are just three of many others definitions that are recognized worldwide. However, each person might have their own definitions of literature. When asked about the definition of literature, Valentino Basswara, an English Literature senior student, states that literature is ‘something made from deepest thought and it could be defined as a respond to the society happenings’. A different answer to the same question is offered by Junaedi Ghazali, an English Literature junior student. According to Ghazali, literature is ‘humans work in the form of written words that reflects beauty’.
Considering the numerous definitions of literature existed, many people might be wondering of what literature actually is. There might be some tricky questions, too, such as : Can a definition be judged right or wrong? Are ordinary people are allowed to make their own definitions of literature? What kind of work can be considered literature or non-literature?
The world’s theories on literature is constantly evolving alongside the changes and advances of society and technology. This happens because it is the audience that is in charge of distinguishing literature. Authors may use literature to represent their people, culture, and tradition. However, since literature is completely open to interpretation, it is the reader’s imagination of the readers that brings a story to life. Literature affects its readers by triggering their imaginations through language, and it is the interpretation of that language that truly makes literature. Without readers to read and interpret their books, the authors and their books are nothing.
Readers are so important for authors and their works that it is unfair if critics are the only ones allowed to determine what literature is and what non-literature is on the grounds of a standard of grammar and syntax, of an unbelievable and unconnected story-line, or of inconsistent or unconvincing characters. Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, for instance, is a play with many grammatical mistakes. Even so, the response of the audience was so great that the play was stamped literature straight away. On the other hand, an older literary work, Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure was not considered literature when it first published. It was badly criticized. The copies were even burned. Yet as time changed, the response of the audience changed, and Jude the Obscure is now listed as a prominent literary work.
However different the cases are, however different the times are, those examples show us that the response of the audience is the one to determine what literature is. Readers’ responses are varied according to the readers’ culture, tradition, point of views, education background, ideologies, thoughts, beliefs, etc. The strongest factor in determining readers response is the effect they get from the work.
Literature affects its readers. Literature uses ‘language open to five senses’ to gently move us into a vivid and heartfelt response. Literature is marked by its unique capability of using language to paint worlds within our imaginations and to stir emotions that we did not know existed. While writings like newspaper and textbooks and other non-literature texts are being deciphered and absorbed, literature is interpreted. When reading literature, we are introduced to a complete new world which we have never seen yet or will never see in real life, we are led into an imaginary world, our emotions are stirred and the way it affects the readers effects the fact represented in the text. Therefore, a response towards a literary work shown by a professor of literature will be different with those shown by literature students, mathematics students, politicians, ulama, nurses, street musicians, or a cashier at supermarkets. This gives opportunities for every reader to define literature and determine what literature or non-literature is. It is supported by Teeuw’s theory, ‘literature is what a society regards as literature, depends on several conventions it has.
There is no right or wrong in defining what literature is and determining literature and non-literature. As long as each theory is based on logical arguments, almost everything is welcome in literature. Surely there might be different opinions and perspectives, but it is these differences that make literature richer and more interesting that any other subjects. Why? Because literature is not Mathematics. In literature, 2 multiplied by 2 doesn’t have to equal 4

Saturday 15 December 2012

Benitez : Supper Lamp Belum Habis

Yokohama - Frank Lampard dinilai sedang ada di ujung kariernya bersama Chelsea karena performanya tengah menurun. Namun, Rafael Benitez justru berkata sebaliknya dan menilai Lampard masih seperti dulu.

Ikatan kerjasama Lampard dengan Chelsea akan berakhir 30 Juni tahun depan. Dengan usianya yang sudah menginjak 34 tahun, maka kemungkinan dia cuma akan mendapatkan tawaran kontrak selama setahun.

Meski dia adalah salah satu legenda The Blues namun dengan usia yang mulai menua dan penampilan yang tak seperti dulu akibat dibebat cedera, masa Lampard di Chelsea dinilai sudah habis.

Musim ini saja Lampard baru bermain sebanyak 14 kali dan menyumbang tiga gol serta dua assist. Grafik penampilannya musim ini semakin menurun (2010/2011 - 13 gol & 2011/2012 - 16 gol) dibanding saat Chelsea jadi juara di musim 2010 dengan Lampard bikin 27 gol semusim.

Hal ini pula yang membuat Lampard digosipkan akan hengkang di akhir musim ini. Tapi bagi manajer interim Chelsea, Benitez, Lampard masihlah bagian penting dari skuat London Barat itu dengan kualitas yang dimilikinya.

"Jelas dia adalah pemain fantastis, profesional hebat - tidak ada keraguan lagi soal itu," tegas Benitez seperti dilansir Sky Sports.

"Juga ketika saya berbicara kepada orang-orang di klub ini, mereka bilang yang sama (soal Lampard) pada saya. Jadi tidak ada satupun yang meragukan soal kondisinya, level dan kualitasnya," lanjut pria asal Spanyol itu.

"Jadi keputusan yang diambil akan menganalisa banyak hal berbeda, tidak hanya soal kualitas si pemain," tutup Benitez terkait masih berlarutnya negosiasi kontrak baru si pemain asal Inggris itu.

Wednesday 12 December 2012


'You can never, ever say challenging for a trophy comes at a bad time,' Rafael Benitez said recently. 'It's silverware and a cup we want to win.' Chelsea's interim manager coached Inter to this title in 2010.

Now it's London Calling on the FIFA Club World Cup, and Chelsea aim to make history and be crowned kings of the world on Sunday. The tricky Mexicans of Monterrey are the opening obstacle early Thursday morning.
Despite 107 years of globetrotting, Chelsea make our bow in Japan this week and will break the capital's duck in the FIFA Club World Cup and its various antecedents. The Thursday and Sunday arrangement of the tournament is a match-going rhythm that will become familiar in the spring with the UEFA Europa League.
KEY STATChelsea are only the third club to represent England at the FIFA Club World Cup, after Manchester United (twice) and Liverpool.


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