
The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

The Best Moment Of Chelsea

The good thing about the Club World Cup being played in Japan is that the game kicked-off at an ideal time for us in South-East Asia

Thursday 24 January 2013


Arema Indonesia batal gelar TC di Bali

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013 18:23:00
Arema Indonesia batal gelar TC di Bali
Kategori Sepakbola Indonesia

Dejan saat memimpin latihan Arema (c) Antara

Arema Indonesia batal menggelar pemusatan latihan (TC) di Bali karena jadwal kompetisi IPL yang semakin dekat. Sebagai gantinya, TC akan digelar beberapa hari ke depan di daerah yang dekat dengan Malang karena.
"Dalam beberapa hari ini lokasinya sudah bisa kami tentukan, dan kemungkinan besar dekat-dekat dengan Malang karena kick off kompetisi juga sudah semakin dekat (11 Februari), latihan juga harus segera dimatangkan," ujar General Manajer Arema, Abriadi Muhara, Kamis (24/1) seperti dilansir Antara.
Selain semakin dekatnya waktu bergulirnya kompetisi, molornya tanda tangan kontrak pemain juga menjadi salah satu pemicu dibatalkannya TC di Bali. Pelatih Arema Dejan Antonic mengusulkan Yogyakarta sebagai lokasi alternatif pengganti TC di Bali. Hanya saja, kepastiannya masih akan ditetapkan setelah dilakukan survei lokasi.
Menurut Dejan Antonic, Yogyakarta menjadi kota alternatif karena selain di kota itu banyak tim yang bisa menjadi lawan uji coba. Selain itu fasilitas lapangan di Yogyakarta juga cukup banyak. "Kami butuh TC untuk membentuk kerja sama tim," tukasnya.
Ia mengakui, TC sebelum bergulirnya kompetisi sangat dibutuhkan anak asuhnya agar musim depan bisa lebih baik. Batalnya TC di Bali bagi Arema itu merupakan yang kedua kalinya, yang pertama rencana TC akan digelar 15 Januari, namun gagal dan kedua pada 20 atau 22 Januari, tapi rencana itu molor kembali hingga saat ini.
Saat ini Arema baru mengikat kontrak dengan 17 pemain, baik lokal maupun asing. Dan, rencananya akan ada pemain yang membubuhkan tanda tangan kontrak kembali sebelum TC digelar.
Beberapa pemain yang resmi dikontrak Arema LPI di antaranya adalah Aji Saka, Asep Miftach, Roman Chmelo, Marko Krasic, Leonard Tumpamahu, Moneiga Bagus, Asmar Abu, Irfan Raditya, Fariz Bagus Dinata, Anggo Julian, Putut Waringin Jati, Hermawan, Legimin Raharjo serta Jaya Teguh Angga. (ant/mac)


Wednesday 16 January 2013


Kesunyian Hati

terdiam aku dalam kesendirian malam
sendiri dan hanya terdiam membisu tanpa kata
merenug di kesendirian hatiku
kesunyian membawaku di ujung pekat malam
merengkuh dalam kesepian
semakin aku rasa aku hanyut dalam
ketidakpastian jalan hidupku
kenapa semua ini harus terjadi
telah banyak kita mengarungi mimpi”
yang dulu ingin kita gapai
apa itu akan kau sia-siakan
lelah sejujur hati ini
namun aku hanya memikirkanmu
aku merasa kehilanganmu
kehilanganmu tlah membuatku terpaku membisu
aku hanya butuh dirimu di sampingku
bukan sosok wajah yang baru
aku hanya inginkan kamu
yang dulu pernah singggah di ruang kecil
yang kini telah menjadi sepi
kini aku mengerti
ketidak hadiran dirimu untuk ku
aku bukan milikmu lagi di hatimu
kau tlah membuang jejak-jejak manis
kenangan kita yang lalu
sebelum aku jauh melangkah ke depan
kasih semoga kau bahagia dengan jalan
yang kau tempuh
maafkan aku jika aku tak pernah sempura
tuk memberimu kebahagiaan

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Kenangan indah yang tidak terlupakan ...................................................................
malam ini kurasakan, sangat kesepian tanpa kehadiran dirimu disisiku!
Aku sangat sedih Engkau pergi meninggalkan kenangan kita yang begitu indah, kenangan yang tak terlupakan!
Kini aku hanya duduk sendiri, menatap indahnya cahaya bulan,

Mendengar berisiknya suara binatang malam, yang menenangkan hatiku.
Seandainya Engkau masih ada disampingku, masih menjadi kekasihku, dan kita duduk berdua menatap indahnya cahaya
bulan, aku pasti akan merasa menjadi orang yang paling bahagia!

Kini semua cerita tentang kita, hanya tinggal kenangan, yang tak terlupakan, kenangan yang masih aku simpan di dalam hatiku, kenangan itu akan ku ingat terus, seumur hidupku! 

OH My sweat, cintaku padamu layaknya luka yang ada di kulitku sejak dulu,
meskipun luka itu hilang, tapi masih da bekasnyaaa'''''''.......
soooooo!kan ku kenang selalu dirimu di hatiku............


Menjadi orang sukses merupakan mimpi dari banyak orang. Banyak orang hanya bermimpi untuk menjadi sukses, tapi karena kurangnya tindakan, maka mimpi hanya tinggal mimpi saja dan tidak bisa dicapai. Berikut ini beberapa tips menjadi orang sukses :

  1. Ikutilah seminar-seminar bisnis yang diadakan di kota anda. Coba beli koran dan lihatlah iklan-iklan seminar di kota  anda dan coba hadir di seminar-seminar tersebut. Kadang seminar-seminar itu membutuhkan biaya, tapi coba sisihkan uang anda untuk ikut dalam seminar-seminar itu. Wawasan anda pasti akan lebih luas dan terbuka.
  2. Coba praktekkan apa yang anda dengar di dalam seminar. Karena pengetahuan tanpa praktek adalah nol besar. Dan anda tidak akan jadi besar jika anda tidak segera take action.
  3. Buatlah sasaran atau goal anda di masa depan. Buat planning 10 tahun ke depan anda ingin jadi seperti apa, 5 tahun depan, dan 1 tahun depan. 
  4. Jangan patah semangat jika anda mendengar bahwa rencana yang telah anda susun tidak akan berhasil. Banyak orang akan mengatakan jangan lakukan itu, jangan bisnis, bisnis itu beresiko, anda pasti tidak bisa, seminar itu hanya teori, dsb. Coba tetap fokus akan planning/rencana anda.
  5. Terus asah pengetahuan anda di bisnis yang anda geluti, jika anda fokus pasti anda akan berhasil. Semakin lama anda belajar di bisnis yang sama, maka anda akan semakin ahli. 
  6. Buatlah SOP untuk bisnis anda, agar segala sesuatu bisa menjadi teratur dan bisa didelegasikan. Jika anda sudah bisa mendelegasikan bisnis anda, maka anda akan bebas jalan-jalan tanpa perlu mengkhawatirkan bisnis anda. Anda tinggal memantau tim anda, dan anda bisa jalan-jalan, atau membuka bisnis yang lain. Ingat, ini bisa anda lakukan jika anda sudah membuat semua SOP untuk bisnis anda. Pada saat membuka bisnis, usahakan jangan langsung ditinggalkan, coba anda fokus dulu disitu 6 bln - 1 tahun, baru jika bisnisnya sudah stabil, anda sudah bisa mendelegasikan ke tim anda.
  7. Coba atur keuangan anda, dari pemasukan sampai pengeluaran. Coba bagi pemasukan anda menjadi pos-pos. Sisihkan untuk pendidikan(utk anak, ikut seminar, dll), untuk sehari-hari, untuk amal, untuk senang-senang, untuk pengeluaran tak terduga. 
  8. Berdoa menurut kepercayaan kita masing-masing. Berdoa agar rencana kita bisa tercapai, dan jangan lupa selalu mengucap syukur pada saat target/rencana kita tercapai.
Masih banyak tips untuk menjadi orang sukses, tapi secara sekilas mungkin ini yang bisa saya bagikan. Orang yang sukses adalah orang yang pantang menyerah, tidak mengikuti kebanyakan orang, tidak mendengarkan ejeken-ejeken orang lain, dan orang yang sukses adalah orang yang bekerja keras/cerdas untuk mencapai goal/sasarannya.


Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Scholastic Apple paperback
Number of pages:
The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish. An old sea dog comes to this peaceful inn one day, apparently intending to finish his life there. He hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but despite all precautions, he is hunted out and served with the black spot that means death. Jim and his mother barely escape death when Blind Pew, Black Dog, and other pirates descend on the inn in search of the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one-legged Long John Silver, a pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim, hidden in an apple barrel, overhears the plans of the crew to mutiny, and he warns his comrades. The battle between the pirates and Jim’s party is an exciting and bloody one, taking place both on the island and aboard ship. Jim escapes from the ship, discovers the marooned sailor, Ben Gunn, who has already found and cached the treasure, and finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.
Strong Points:
  • The plot is excellent. The adventures of Jim Hawkins are filled with suspense. This is one of the best books ever written for children. It will appeal especially to boys but can be read by girls.
  • The characters are not stereotyped and unrealistic, but are so skillfully portrayed that they live for us in our imagination. Who can forget Long John Silver, the pirates of pirates? Terrifying, yet somehow likeable; cruel, yet somehow kind. As John Senior says "The one-legged pirate with a patch on an eye and parrot on his shoulder is one of the half-dozen great creations. Like Don Quixote of the Wyf of Bath, he is fixed in our brains forever. How much we would give even now to find that map and go with him!"
  • A reason for reading is learning to write. Stevenson is a master craftsman. His prose is classic, clear, and rhythmical. While the children only think about enjoying a great story, unbeknownst to themselves, they are being exposed to fine language.
  • Teasure Island, unlike other children’s stories, includes some characters who are not examples of virtue but on the contrary lead sinful lives. However, this is normal since they are pirates and it is what you expect of them. They are the villains of the story and their evil ways are not condoned. Pirates are, as Jim says, "some of the wickedest men that God ever allowed upon the sea." Jim Hawkins, Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey are on the contrary characters who, throughout their adventures, show virtues like courage and honesty.
  • There are many words which need to be explained. Examples: tarry, coltish, bleared, tallowy, etc.

"Every time I start this book again, the old awe comes over me, and I think ‘This is the best!’" (John Senior) Hopefully children who have enjoyed Treasure Island will want to read other books by Robert Louis Stevenson like Kidnapped and The Black Arrow.


A.    Background of the Study
Communication is a social event that can occur anywhere without knowing the place and time (Darwanto, 2007:1). Language as the tool of communication has an important role to reveal an intention of someone else. people will be  able to express their thought and feeling through communication. English is an important means of communication, which used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language. This why the indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools (Ramelan, 1992:3).
Jumariati  (2010) said that vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. According to Richard (1997) it's vital to know a lot of words if you want to make progress in a foreign language. Even if your grammar is excellent, you just won't be able to communicate your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Since English is not our national language, it is not easy to learn it. Many student or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic problems is lack of vocabularies. Vocabulary is really important element of the language to be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
In teaching a language, English particularly is very complicated. In the classroom, we will face dozens of technique applied to the students’ under the expectation that they are able to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in learning process.
There are many media can be used to improve students’ vocabulary like audio aid, audio-visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, and television, etc.
In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Movie is one of the audio-visual aid. Film, also called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry ( Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the writer view that there are many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an entertainment. They can learn about language style, culture, and also the native speaker’s expression. So they can improve their English vocabulary more easily.
Media such as a movie has a very significant roles to motivate the student to learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of English movie they will become more active as participant and more confident in express their feeling.
B.     Statement of the Problem
This study is to answer the question: is the use of English movie can improve students’ vocabulary mastery?
C.    Purpose of Study
The purpose of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using English movie in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
D.    Scope and Limitation of the Study
The writer limits this study by the following limitation:
1.      The subject of researcher in this research is the first year student of SMK ABHARIYAH in academic year 2011/2012.
2.      The implementation of english movie technique to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery.
E.     Significance of Study
The result of this study can be contribute some benefits to students and teachers. Here are the benefits:
1.      Students
It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to learn. Their improvement of interest in learning English will help them master English well.
2.      Teachers
It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning, they would not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The use of media, in this context “Movie” could be a good alternative or variation in teaching vocabulary, where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson.
F.     Assumption of the Study
The basic assumption of this study are stated below:
1.      English movie can be used to stimulate the student to increase vocabulary
2.      This simple technique is applicable for teaching at the Senior High School.
G.    The Definition of Key Term
In order to clarify what variables are involves in the study some definition are put forwards:
1.      Movie
A series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the cinema or at home (MacMillan Dictionary)
2.      Vocabulary
Vocabulary in Cambridge dictionary is all the words known and used by a particular person and all the words which exist in a particular language or subject.
One of the most important things to help learners to communicate successfully is knowledge of vocabulary. The richer vocabulary we have, the better we can communicate. Hence, in order not to fail on the way of teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers and students must try their best to find out an appropriate method for themselves. Using visual aids, especially movies or film, is a good way to teach vocabulary and really important, necessary for the new method of teaching and learning. This chapter aims at providing some theoretical background of the study.
A.    Vocabulary
1.      Definition of Vocabulary
Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary. Vocabulary supports the speaker to express their opinions, ideas, and feelings in communication.
To know what vocabulary is, the following are definitions about vocabulary:
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Online has applied a meaning of vocabulary as follow:
1.      all the words that a person knows or uses.
2.      all the words in a particular language.
3.      the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.
4.      a list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.
According to Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article accessed from internet, they broadly define; vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. Richards (2001:4) says that vocabulary is one of the components of language and one of the first things applied linguists turned their attention to. Meanwhile, Hornby (1974:959) defines vocabulary is a total number of words which make up a language with definition or translations.
According to the definitions above I concluded that vocabulary is a word that a person know in a particular language and one of componets of language that has a meaning and definition.
2.      Why Study Vocabulary
It is undeniable that vocabulary, like grammar and phonetics, plays an important role in mastering a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary plays important role in language acquisition because the mastery of vocabulary will help students in mastery all the language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will make the students practice the structure more easily; it is useful for the students in order to communicate in daily life and will strengthen belief that English can be used to express some ideas or feeling they express in their native language (Finocchiaro, 1974: 38)
The other reason is that a large vocabulary helps the English learners in studying other English subjects such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Business Correspondence, etc. It will help them to understand and define many concepts, ideas, expressions that they get in such subjects. It is stated by Bella Fiore (1968: 1) “The larger the vocabulary you build up, the better able you are to define and refine the expression of the images and ideas”. Moreover, she said “The more words you master richer become you thought process and the better you distinguish between shades of word meanings, the subtler grows your expression of ideas”. In conclusion, vocabulary learning is an unseparate thing from language learning because whenever people think of it, they usually think of vocabulary learning and vocabulary mastery. It is a key for the English learners to get a success in their learning process.
3.      Kinds of Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary is important in language acquisition. Vocabulary is one element that links the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. One of the requirements to communicate well in a foreign language, students should have an adequate number of words. According Celca-Murcia (2000:76) there are two kinds of vocabulary, as follows:
a.       Productive versus Receptive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the lexical terms which the students can remember and use appropriately in speaking and writing. Receptive vocabulary in the lexical items which the students familiar and understand when they meet them in the context of reading and listening materials.
Productive vocabulary is used to speaking and writing, the stage of teaching and learning must end with vocabulary practice, where the students get an opportunity to try to use the vocabulary in context. Different from productive vocabulary, receptive vocabulary is only presented until the students’ know the meaning to understand the context of reading or listening.
b.      Content Words versus Function Words
Content words and function words are a useful one in analyzing vocabulary. Content words are those vocabulary items that must to the large and open words classes. Content words that are the words that are easy accept new words and not use old ones but are not longer useful. For example: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs.
Function words are those vocabulary items that must to closed words classes. Function words that are the words do not easy new items or lose old ones. For example: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners, and many adverbs. Function words should be taught as part of grammar and content words as part of vocabulary
B.     General Concepts of Media
Media in a process of teaching is not a new thing for the teacher. Most of the teachers use media to help them giving particular information to the students. Media itself according to Azhar (2011:4) is a tool that to convey or deliver the message of learning. He also said that media is a component of learning resource or physical vehicle that contain instructional material on students’ environment that can stimulate student to learn.
There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Nasution (2005:102) classify media into 5 type:
1.      Blackboard
This teaching tool is very populer, used by traditional or modern school and can be combined with other teaching tools such as radio, TV. Tool is used in every method of teaching. Blackboard can be used for writing that makes pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps and so on with white or colored chalk.
2.      Picture
Picture can be collected from various sources such as calendars, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets from travel agents, and etc.
3.      Model
Models can be an imitation of real objects such as model cars, trains, houses, animals, etc.
4.      Collection
Various collections can be organized as a variety of textiles, stones, dry leaves, currency, stamps, etc.
5.      Map and Globe
Geography and history lessons will be crippled without a map. kinds of maps shall be provided on each part of the world, also our economy, population, and so forth.
While Azhar (2011:33) divide a media into two categori:
1.      Traditional media
a.       A visual silence that projected.
-          Opaque projection (invisibility)
-          Overhead projection
-          Slides
-          Filmstrips
b.      A visual that not projected
-          Picture, poster
-          Photo
-          Charts, graphs, diagrams
-          Exhibition, information boards
c.       Audio
-          Recording disc
-          Cassette tape, reel, cartridge
d.      Multimedia presentation
-          Slide plus noise (tape)
-          Multi-image
e.       A dynamic visual which is projected
-          Film
-          Television
-          Video
f.       Print
-          Textbooks
-          Module, Programmed texts
-          Scientific magazines, period
-          Loose-leaf
g.      Game
-          Puzzle
-          Simulation
-          Board game
h.      Realia
-          Model
-          Specimen (sample)
-          Manipulative (maps, dolls)
2.      The latest media technology
a.       Media based on technology
-          Tekeconference
-          Distance schools
b.      Media based on microprocessor
-          Computer-assisted instruction
-          Computer game
-          Intelligence tutor system
-          Interactive
-          Hypermedia
-          Compact (video) disc
C.    General Concept of Movie
1.      Definition of Movie
In this study, I use movie as media of teaching Englsh vocabulary. A movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a class, it makes lessons more fun.
But movies or film can also teach people about history, science, human behavior and any other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, makes the learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business, and those who make motion pictures take great pride in their creation ( Mery:2011).
An opinion movie given by Summer (1992: 476), film is:
a.       A roll of material which is sensitive to light and which is used in camera for taking photographs or moving pictures for the cinema,
b.      A story, play, etc. recorded on film to be shown in the cinema, on television, etc.
Meanwhile, Azhar (2011:49) define movie as picture in a frame where frame by frame is projected through the projector lens mechanically so that the pictures in the screen looks alive. Jesse (2007) states that movie is a photographic record of an artistic performance, but not an artform in it’s own right.
Based on the definition of movie I can conclude that movie is a photographic record of history, science,  and human behaviour that projected through the projecter lens and shown in the cinema or television.
2.      Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Movie
a.       Advantages using English movie
Nasution (2005:104) states that the advantages of using movie in teaching and learning process are:
1)      Movie is very good in describing a process, if necessary by using a “slow motion”.
2)      Each student can learn something from the movie, from the clever one  or less intelligent.
3)      Movies can take a child from one country to another country and from one period to another period.
4)      Movie can be repeated if necessary to add clarity.
b.      Disadvantages using English movie
According to Azhar (2011:50), he states that the disadvantages of using movie in teaching and learning process are:
1)      Procument of English movie generally is expensive and cost a lot of time.
2)      When the movie showed, the pictures will keep changing making all students are not able follow the information given through the movie.
3)      Movies not always approriate with the needs and desired learning objective.
This is the reason why the writer is interested in taking up the title of the research, because movie gives a new enjoyable atmosphere when they are learning in class. Altough this procument movie has disadvantages, the writer has some planning to overcome the problem by doing strategic stopping and rewind giving student a chance to receive the information given from the movie and remove some approriate scene shown in the movie so the students’ concetration will not wane if they watch for too long.
3.      Learning Through Movie
classrooms that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a number of 40-50 students. With that number of students, it is still possible to observe the movie properly. This means it will not disturb the learning process. To help students study through English movie, message content, format, and technical presentation, in planning an educational program, seriously considered. in addition, the teacher factor in the media also plays a very important role, because it is very influential in communicating with children and success or failure of the program depends entirely on the person who brought the show (darwanto 2007:135-136).
D.    Summary
This chapter has dealt with the theoretical background of the study with the basic but necessary knowledge of English vocabulary and using movies for teaching vocabulary. In order to find out the current situation of teaching vocabulary as well as the application of movies for teaching vocabulary at high schools in Abhariyah, which would be reported in the chapter 3.

The methodology of the research is very important in every research as a guideline to attain the objective of the study. Chapter three provides information about methodology of the research that the writer applies in this study. They are method of research, population and sample, instrument of the research, method of data collection and data analysis.
  1. Method of Research
Research design in this study is to seek and to answer the question of the study “is the use of English movie can improve students’ vocabulary mastery?”
In doing so, I intend to use quantitative research to complete this study. Wikipedia (2012) in its article said that Quantitative methods were research methods dealing with numbers and anything that was measurable.
Wikipedia (2012) in its article also said, the objective of quantitative research was to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement was central to quantitative research because it provided the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.
  1. Population and Sample
1.      Population
Population is total member of research subject.” (Arikunto, 2010:173). In addition, mention that population is the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; "it is an estimate of the mean of the population.
In this case, the population is the entire of the first grade students of SMK Abhariyah in the academic year 2011/2012. The number of population is 39 students.
2.      Sample
After determining the population, I obtain a sample, which is obviously important step in conducting a research. Arikunto (2010:174) says that a sample is a part of population, which is investigated. The number of population that is used in this study is 39 students. Because of the limitation number of population which is only 39 students, I use population research and take the whole population as the sample of the research. Arikunto (2010:174) said that population research only done for a limited population and the subject are not many.
  1. Instrument of Research
According to Arikunto (2010:192), research instrument is a device used by the research while collecting the data to make his work become easier and to get better result, complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to process.
I use two kinds of instruments in doing it, they are test, and questionnaire in order to identify whether or not it is an effective way to teach vocabulary to students.
1.      Test
Referring to (2007) in its article it said that In education, certification, counseling, and many other fields, a test or exam (short for examination) was a tool or technique intended to measure students' expression of knowledge, skills and/or abilities. A test had more questions of greater difficulty and requires more time for completion than a quiz. It was usually divided into two or more sections, each covering a different area of the domain or taking a different approach to assessing the same aspects.
In completing this study the test should be based on an achievement test which is the result later use as data. In order to get an enough data I divide the test into two: they are pre test and post-test. The purpose of giving the classroom tests is to measuring the skills, knowledge of intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups (Arikunto 2010:193). This is the reason why the role of pre and post-test are important toward this study which it would determine whether the use of movie is effective or not to apply to students.
2.      Questionnaire
Oxford university press (2007) in its article said that a questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designe for statistical analysis of the responses, this not always the case.
Arikunto (2010:195 ), questionnaire could be in the form of multiple choice, essay, check-list and rating-scale so respondents would only select one of the provided answers in it. In conducting this study, I use a multiple-choice questionnaire, in which, the respondents only select one of the provided answers (by crossing (A, B, C or D) in each question).
  1. Method of data collection
The technique use in this research is questionnaire and tests. The aim of using  questionnaire in this research  is to know how the students’ respond about the teaching strategy applied and the tests method is use to know whether students are successful or not in teaching vocabulary using movie.
This study is undertaken through three activities. At first is a pre-test, second is the post-test which to measure students’ achievement, and third applying the questionnaire to know students’ respond on strategy use by  researcher. To give a clear understanding, the three steps of the activities will be explain as follows:
1.      Pre-test
Pre-test consists of 10 items in the form of multiple choices. In pre test researcher take the question from a narrative story of mr.bean.
2.      Post-test
Post-Test is done after pre-test are conducted. The aim is to measure the students’ achievement and to compare the result between pre and post-test that would be processed into data. The test consist of 10 items same with pre test but the question take from movie of mr.bean.
3.      Questionaire
The questionaire will be conducted after the two activities above are completely done. The purpose only to gain data from the students’ response about the teaching strategy applied. The questionnaire consist of five questions and it is in the form of multiple choices.
The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above will be assessed by referring to the criterion issued by department of education and culture. The criterion said that a student could be said to pass the test if he/she could solve 65% of the whole problems.
  1. Data analysis
The data analysis is use to draw the conclusion of the research data. This study consists of three activities in which it use a method of quantitative to process the data. Then I would compare them, in order to know the result of this study, whether or not, the increase in the students’ results happen in this study. Below is the formula to get valid result, I use to process the data gained:
                             P =  R   X 100 %
P = Percentage
R = Score Achieved
N = Number
Apriani. Mery. (2011). Developing Students Writing Skill by Movies. Bogor: Universitas Ibn Kholdun.
Arsyad, Azhar. (2011). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Ashley, Minor, Rosalind. (1970). Successful techniques for teaching elementary language arts. Michigan: Parker Pub. Co.
Bellafiore, joseph. (1968). Words At Work. Amsco School Pubns Inc.
Darwanto. (2007). Teevisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. (2007). Search: Definition of Tests., accessed in april 27, 2012
Finocchiaro, Bonomo, Mary. (1974). English as A Second Language: From Theory to Practice. New York: Regent Publishing Company.
Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. The Practice of Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Hornby, A.S. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: University Press. (2012). search: what is movie. accessed in April 22, 2012 accessed in april 22, 2012 (Wikipedia) (2007). Quantitative research., accessed in April 27, 2012 accessed in april 24 2012. accessed in april, 2012
J.Prinz. Jesse. (2007). When Film Is Art. Search: what is film. www, accessed in april 24, 2012
Jumariati  (2010), Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Students
Kamil & Hiebert. (2007). A Focus on Vocabulary.
http:/ accessed in April 22, 2012
Murcia Elite Olstain – Marianne Celce. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teching. Cambridge: University Press.
Nasution. (2005). Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Pemberton. Richard. (1997). Learning vocabualary. accessed in April 21, 2012
Richard, Jack C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: University Press.
Summers, Della. (2005). Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Harlow; Longman Group U.K. Limited.
A.    Background of the Study
Communication is a social event that can occur anywhere without knowing the place and time (Darwanto, 2007:1). Language as the tool of communication has an important role to reveal an intention of someone else. people will be  able to express their thought and feeling through communication. English is an important means of communication, which used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language. This why the indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools (Ramelan, 1992:3).
Jumariati  (2010) said that vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. According to Richard (1997) it's vital to know a lot of words if you want to make progress in a foreign language. Even if your grammar is excellent, you just won't be able to communicate your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Since English is not our national language, it is not easy to learn it. Many student or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic problems is lack of vocabularies. Vocabulary is really important element of the language to be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
In teaching a language, English particularly is very complicated. In the classroom, we will face dozens of technique applied to the students’ under the expectation that they are able to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in learning process.
There are many media can be used to improve students’ vocabulary like audio aid, audio-visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, and television, etc.
In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Movie is one of the audio-visual aid. Film, also called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry ( Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the writer view that there are many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an entertainment. They can learn about language style, culture, and also the native speaker’s expression. So they can improve their English vocabulary more easily.
Media such as a movie has a very significant roles to motivate the student to learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of English movie they will become more active as participant and more confident in express their feeling.
B.     Statement of the Problem
This study is to answer the question: is the use of English movie can improve students’ vocabulary mastery?
C.    Purpose of Study
The purpose of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using English movie in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
D.    Scope and Limitation of the Study
The writer limits this study by the following limitation:
1.      The subject of researcher in this research is the first year student of SMK ABHARIYAH in academic year 2011/2012.
2.      The implementation of english movie technique to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery.
E.     Significance of Study
The result of this study can be contribute some benefits to students and teachers. Here are the benefits:
1.      Students
It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to learn. Their improvement of interest in learning English will help them master English well.
2.      Teachers
It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning, they would not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The use of media, in this context “Movie” could be a good alternative or variation in teaching vocabulary, where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson.
F.     Assumption of the Study
The basic assumption of this study are stated below:
1.      English movie can be used to stimulate the student to increase vocabulary
2.      This simple technique is applicable for teaching at the Senior High School.
G.    The Definition of Key Term
In order to clarify what variables are involves in the study some definition are put forwards:
1.      Movie
A series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the cinema or at home (MacMillan Dictionary)
2.      Vocabulary
Vocabulary in Cambridge dictionary is all the words known and used by a particular person and all the words which exist in a particular language or subject.
One of the most important things to help learners to communicate successfully is knowledge of vocabulary. The richer vocabulary we have, the better we can communicate. Hence, in order not to fail on the way of teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers and students must try their best to find out an appropriate method for themselves. Using visual aids, especially movies or film, is a good way to teach vocabulary and really important, necessary for the new method of teaching and learning. This chapter aims at providing some theoretical background of the study.
A.    Vocabulary
1.      Definition of Vocabulary
Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary. Vocabulary supports the speaker to express their opinions, ideas, and feelings in communication.
To know what vocabulary is, the following are definitions about vocabulary:
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Online has applied a meaning of vocabulary as follow:
1.      all the words that a person knows or uses.
2.      all the words in a particular language.
3.      the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.
4.      a list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.
According to Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article accessed from internet, they broadly define; vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. Richards (2001:4) says that vocabulary is one of the components of language and one of the first things applied linguists turned their attention to. Meanwhile, Hornby (1974:959) defines vocabulary is a total number of words which make up a language with definition or translations.
According to the definitions above I concluded that vocabulary is a word that a person know in a particular language and one of componets of language that has a meaning and definition.
2.      Why Study Vocabulary
It is undeniable that vocabulary, like grammar and phonetics, plays an important role in mastering a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary plays important role in language acquisition because the mastery of vocabulary will help students in mastery all the language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will make the students practice the structure more easily; it is useful for the students in order to communicate in daily life and will strengthen belief that English can be used to express some ideas or feeling they express in their native language (Finocchiaro, 1974: 38)
The other reason is that a large vocabulary helps the English learners in studying other English subjects such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Business Correspondence, etc. It will help them to understand and define many concepts, ideas, expressions that they get in such subjects. It is stated by Bella Fiore (1968: 1) “The larger the vocabulary you build up, the better able you are to define and refine the expression of the images and ideas”. Moreover, she said “The more words you master richer become you thought process and the better you distinguish between shades of word meanings, the subtler grows your expression of ideas”. In conclusion, vocabulary learning is an unseparate thing from language learning because whenever people think of it, they usually think of vocabulary learning and vocabulary mastery. It is a key for the English learners to get a success in their learning process.
3.      Kinds of Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary is important in language acquisition. Vocabulary is one element that links the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. One of the requirements to communicate well in a foreign language, students should have an adequate number of words. According Celca-Murcia (2000:76) there are two kinds of vocabulary, as follows:
a.       Productive versus Receptive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the lexical terms which the students can remember and use appropriately in speaking and writing. Receptive vocabulary in the lexical items which the students familiar and understand when they meet them in the context of reading and listening materials.
Productive vocabulary is used to speaking and writing, the stage of teaching and learning must end with vocabulary practice, where the students get an opportunity to try to use the vocabulary in context. Different from productive vocabulary, receptive vocabulary is only presented until the students’ know the meaning to understand the context of reading or listening.
b.      Content Words versus Function Words
Content words and function words are a useful one in analyzing vocabulary. Content words are those vocabulary items that must to the large and open words classes. Content words that are the words that are easy accept new words and not use old ones but are not longer useful. For example: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs.
Function words are those vocabulary items that must to closed words classes. Function words that are the words do not easy new items or lose old ones. For example: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners, and many adverbs. Function words should be taught as part of grammar and content words as part of vocabulary
B.     General Concepts of Media
Media in a process of teaching is not a new thing for the teacher. Most of the teachers use media to help them giving particular information to the students. Media itself according to Azhar (2011:4) is a tool that to convey or deliver the message of learning. He also said that media is a component of learning resource or physical vehicle that contain instructional material on students’ environment that can stimulate student to learn.
There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Nasution (2005:102) classify media into 5 type:
1.      Blackboard
This teaching tool is very populer, used by traditional or modern school and can be combined with other teaching tools such as radio, TV. Tool is used in every method of teaching. Blackboard can be used for writing that makes pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps and so on with white or colored chalk.
2.      Picture
Picture can be collected from various sources such as calendars, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets from travel agents, and etc.
3.      Model
Models can be an imitation of real objects such as model cars, trains, houses, animals, etc.
4.      Collection
Various collections can be organized as a variety of textiles, stones, dry leaves, currency, stamps, etc.
5.      Map and Globe
Geography and history lessons will be crippled without a map. kinds of maps shall be provided on each part of the world, also our economy, population, and so forth.
While Azhar (2011:33) divide a media into two categori:
1.      Traditional media
a.       A visual silence that projected.
-          Opaque projection (invisibility)
-          Overhead projection
-          Slides
-          Filmstrips
b.      A visual that not projected
-          Picture, poster
-          Photo
-          Charts, graphs, diagrams
-          Exhibition, information boards
c.       Audio
-          Recording disc
-          Cassette tape, reel, cartridge
d.      Multimedia presentation
-          Slide plus noise (tape)
-          Multi-image
e.       A dynamic visual which is projected
-          Film
-          Television
-          Video
f.       Print
-          Textbooks
-          Module, Programmed texts
-          Scientific magazines, period
-          Loose-leaf
g.      Game
-          Puzzle
-          Simulation
-          Board game
h.      Realia
-          Model
-          Specimen (sample)
-          Manipulative (maps, dolls)
2.      The latest media technology
a.       Media based on technology
-          Tekeconference
-          Distance schools
b.      Media based on microprocessor
-          Computer-assisted instruction
-          Computer game
-          Intelligence tutor system
-          Interactive
-          Hypermedia
-          Compact (video) disc
C.    General Concept of Movie
1.      Definition of Movie
In this study, I use movie as media of teaching Englsh vocabulary. A movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a class, it makes lessons more fun.
But movies or film can also teach people about history, science, human behavior and any other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, makes the learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business, and those who make motion pictures take great pride in their creation ( Mery:2011).
An opinion movie given by Summer (1992: 476), film is:
a.       A roll of material which is sensitive to light and which is used in camera for taking photographs or moving pictures for the cinema,
b.      A story, play, etc. recorded on film to be shown in the cinema, on television, etc.
Meanwhile, Azhar (2011:49) define movie as picture in a frame where frame by frame is projected through the projector lens mechanically so that the pictures in the screen looks alive. Jesse (2007) states that movie is a photographic record of an artistic performance, but not an artform in it’s own right.
Based on the definition of movie I can conclude that movie is a photographic record of history, science,  and human behaviour that projected through the projecter lens and shown in the cinema or television.
2.      Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Movie
a.       Advantages using English movie
Nasution (2005:104) states that the advantages of using movie in teaching and learning process are:
1)      Movie is very good in describing a process, if necessary by using a “slow motion”.
2)      Each student can learn something from the movie, from the clever one  or less intelligent.
3)      Movies can take a child from one country to another country and from one period to another period.
4)      Movie can be repeated if necessary to add clarity.
b.      Disadvantages using English movie
According to Azhar (2011:50), he states that the disadvantages of using movie in teaching and learning process are:
1)      Procument of English movie generally is expensive and cost a lot of time.
2)      When the movie showed, the pictures will keep changing making all students are not able follow the information given through the movie.
3)      Movies not always approriate with the needs and desired learning objective.
This is the reason why the writer is interested in taking up the title of the research, because movie gives a new enjoyable atmosphere when they are learning in class. Altough this procument movie has disadvantages, the writer has some planning to overcome the problem by doing strategic stopping and rewind giving student a chance to receive the information given from the movie and remove some approriate scene shown in the movie so the students’ concetration will not wane if they watch for too long.
3.      Learning Through Movie
classrooms that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a number of 40-50 students. With that number of students, it is still possible to observe the movie properly. This means it will not disturb the learning process. To help students study through English movie, message content, format, and technical presentation, in planning an educational program, seriously considered. in addition, the teacher factor in the media also plays a very important role, because it is very influential in communicating with children and success or failure of the program depends entirely on the person who brought the show (darwanto 2007:135-136).
D.    Summary
This chapter has dealt with the theoretical background of the study with the basic but necessary knowledge of English vocabulary and using movies for teaching vocabulary. In order to find out the current situation of teaching vocabulary as well as the application of movies for teaching vocabulary at high schools in Abhariyah, which would be reported in the chapter 3.

The methodology of the research is very important in every research as a guideline to attain the objective of the study. Chapter three provides information about methodology of the research that the writer applies in this study. They are method of research, population and sample, instrument of the research, method of data collection and data analysis.
  1. Method of Research
Research design in this study is to seek and to answer the question of the study “is the use of English movie can improve students’ vocabulary mastery?”
In doing so, I intend to use quantitative research to complete this study. Wikipedia (2012) in its article said that Quantitative methods were research methods dealing with numbers and anything that was measurable.
Wikipedia (2012) in its article also said, the objective of quantitative research was to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement was central to quantitative research because it provided the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.
  1. Population and Sample
1.      Population
Population is total member of research subject.” (Arikunto, 2010:173). In addition, mention that population is the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; "it is an estimate of the mean of the population.
In this case, the population is the entire of the first grade students of SMK Abhariyah in the academic year 2011/2012. The number of population is 39 students.
2.      Sample
After determining the population, I obtain a sample, which is obviously important step in conducting a research. Arikunto (2010:174) says that a sample is a part of population, which is investigated. The number of population that is used in this study is 39 students. Because of the limitation number of population which is only 39 students, I use population research and take the whole population as the sample of the research. Arikunto (2010:174) said that population research only done for a limited population and the subject are not many.
  1. Instrument of Research
According to Arikunto (2010:192), research instrument is a device used by the research while collecting the data to make his work become easier and to get better result, complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to process.
I use two kinds of instruments in doing it, they are test, and questionnaire in order to identify whether or not it is an effective way to teach vocabulary to students.
1.      Test
Referring to (2007) in its article it said that In education, certification, counseling, and many other fields, a test or exam (short for examination) was a tool or technique intended to measure students' expression of knowledge, skills and/or abilities. A test had more questions of greater difficulty and requires more time for completion than a quiz. It was usually divided into two or more sections, each covering a different area of the domain or taking a different approach to assessing the same aspects.
In completing this study the test should be based on an achievement test which is the result later use as data. In order to get an enough data I divide the test into two: they are pre test and post-test. The purpose of giving the classroom tests is to measuring the skills, knowledge of intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups (Arikunto 2010:193). This is the reason why the role of pre and post-test are important toward this study which it would determine whether the use of movie is effective or not to apply to students.
2.      Questionnaire
Oxford university press (2007) in its article said that a questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designe for statistical analysis of the responses, this not always the case.
Arikunto (2010:195 ), questionnaire could be in the form of multiple choice, essay, check-list and rating-scale so respondents would only select one of the provided answers in it. In conducting this study, I use a multiple-choice questionnaire, in which, the respondents only select one of the provided answers (by crossing (A, B, C or D) in each question).
  1. Method of data collection
The technique use in this research is questionnaire and tests. The aim of using  questionnaire in this research  is to know how the students’ respond about the teaching strategy applied and the tests method is use to know whether students are successful or not in teaching vocabulary using movie.
This study is undertaken through three activities. At first is a pre-test, second is the post-test which to measure students’ achievement, and third applying the questionnaire to know students’ respond on strategy use by  researcher. To give a clear understanding, the three steps of the activities will be explain as follows:
1.      Pre-test
Pre-test consists of 10 items in the form of multiple choices. In pre test researcher take the question from a narrative story of mr.bean.
2.      Post-test
Post-Test is done after pre-test are conducted. The aim is to measure the students’ achievement and to compare the result between pre and post-test that would be processed into data. The test consist of 10 items same with pre test but the question take from movie of mr.bean.
3.      Questionaire
The questionaire will be conducted after the two activities above are completely done. The purpose only to gain data from the students’ response about the teaching strategy applied. The questionnaire consist of five questions and it is in the form of multiple choices.
The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above will be assessed by referring to the criterion issued by department of education and culture. The criterion said that a student could be said to pass the test if he/she could solve 65% of the whole problems.
  1. Data analysis
The data analysis is use to draw the conclusion of the research data. This study consists of three activities in which it use a method of quantitative to process the data. Then I would compare them, in order to know the result of this study, whether or not, the increase in the students’ results happen in this study. Below is the formula to get valid result, I use to process the data gained:
                             P =  R   X 100 %
P = Percentage
R = Score Achieved
N = Number
Apriani. Mery. (2011). Developing Students Writing Skill by Movies. Bogor: Universitas Ibn Kholdun.
Arsyad, Azhar. (2011). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Ashley, Minor, Rosalind. (1970). Successful techniques for teaching elementary language arts. Michigan: Parker Pub. Co.
Bellafiore, joseph. (1968). Words At Work. Amsco School Pubns Inc.
Darwanto. (2007). Teevisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. (2007). Search: Definition of Tests., accessed in april 27, 2012
Finocchiaro, Bonomo, Mary. (1974). English as A Second Language: From Theory to Practice. New York: Regent Publishing Company.
Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. The Practice of Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Hornby, A.S. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: University Press. (2012). search: what is movie. accessed in April 22, 2012 accessed in april 22, 2012 (Wikipedia) (2007). Quantitative research., accessed in April 27, 2012 accessed in april 24 2012. accessed in april, 2012
J.Prinz. Jesse. (2007). When Film Is Art. Search: what is film. www, accessed in april 24, 2012
Jumariati  (2010), Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Students
Kamil & Hiebert. (2007). A Focus on Vocabulary.
http:/ accessed in April 22, 2012
Murcia Elite Olstain – Marianne Celce. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teching. Cambridge: University Press.
Nasution. (2005). Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Pemberton. Richard. (1997). Learning vocabualary. accessed in April 21, 2012
Richard, Jack C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: University Press.
Summers, Della. (2005). Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Harlow; Longman Group U.K. Limited.


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